A step closer to sustainable living!

Nimmi Basnet
3 min readJan 11, 2022

5th June 2020 (World Environment Day)

With each passing year, I think I am becoming more conscious about my environment and actions. From re-using old glass bottles at home to minimizing plastic usage, I have tried to do my bit. Even while travelling I always make sure that I put the waste inside my bag so I can dump it in the dustbin later. It has become like a habit now. I also carry my own water bottle and lunch box(wherever possible), I recycle and reuse a lot of old stuff at home. These little adaptations seemed difficult in the beginning because in this era of online shopping and materialism, everything is at the tip of our fingers and we only want to consume more and more. However, I think I am on my way to minimalism and sustainability now. I often find myself opting for more sustainable ideas and trying to reduce my carbon footprint as much as I can. My love for trees and plants has grown fonder with time! I have never been this greener and eco-friendly in my life!

Speaking of plants, gardening has become my new hobby. I have been taking a keen interest in growing indoor plants. I never knew that watering plants and witnessing a small twig grow could be so relaxing and therapeutic! These are little joys in life for sure! Also, Have you met anyone who doesn’t like trees and greens? Well, personally, I haven’t! Everyone enjoys the greenery. But if we want to celebrate our environment and relish nature, we should also make efforts to take care of it. We owe this to ourselves and our upcoming generations.

Earth is our only home. The alarming effects of climate change can be seen in every nooks and corner of this world. Therefore, it’s up to us. We have to start looking up for ways where humans and nature can coexist. We have to be aware and conscious about our choices. Let us start by keeping our surroundings clean and green. Let us save energy. Let us adopt sustainable ways of living. Let us minimize our consumption and let us help in flourishing biodiversity. When we buy fewer clothes, it definitely helps our environment in smaller and bigger ways. Most of all, let us all be mindful because everything really depends on our actions.

A few years from now I am sure we would still want us and our kids to be able to witness and enjoy the natural resources. I am sure we would still want to hike into forests. I am sure we would still want to see tigers, rhinos, and whales. I am sure we would still want to brag about mountains, rivers, and lakes. And I am sure we would still want to live a happy and healthy life.🌱

(Wrote this random piece on the occasion of World Environment Day)

